▼ Interior View

The cooking station has a transparent area, allowing customers to watch the chefs prepare food while enjoying their meals. The atrium and near window area are areas for dining surrounded by cooking stations and water bars. Private rooms are partitioned by accordion and can be expanded for larger rooms. The walls are painted grey brick to create a transparent space and provide privacy.
▼ Dining Area is Surrounded By Cooking Station And Water Bar

▼ Washing Basin

▼ The Dining Space Enjoys a Good Natural Light

The stunning presentation of the stainless steel brass mirror panel in the ceiling is like a visual feast, and its unique charm is reflected in the interplay of light and shadow. Every detail is shining with exquisite craftsmanship and immortal beauty, adding an infinite amount of delicacy and dignity to space. Let the stunning stainless steel brass mirror panel fulfill your every desire, bringing luxury and taste to every day of life.
▼ Detail of The Dinging Space

▼ Private Rooms Are Divided Into Two By Accordion

Zhanqian’s logo is based on an ancient Chinese copper design. The logo, using stainless steel with gold front, resembles copper’s circular exterior and quadrate interior line, symbolizing wealth and good fortune.
▼ Ancient Chinese Copper as Design Element

▼ Exterior View

▼ Plan